
Hours Required: 30 (per 2 year renewal cycle)
Online Hours Accepted: 30 hours per renewal cycle
Renewal Period: Biennial, renews Dec. 31 even-numbered years

District of Columbia (DC) requires 24 hours of CE every 2 years of active license. DC requires that 3 of the 30 hours consists of HIV training; 2 hours on cultural competency or specialized clinical training focusing on patients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or question their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and 5 hours in any combination of ethics, risk management, documentation and record keeping, or cultural competency. District of Columbia allows all 30 hours to be obtained online.

Bundles (DC's)

First Time Renewal Bundle

6 hours – Record Keeping/Documentation and Coding 2 hours – Ethics and Boundaries 2 hours – Medical Errors 3 hours – Understanding HIV/AIDS

40 Hour Bundle

8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding

40 Hour Bundle (Including Acupuncture)

8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding

Bundles (CCPA's)

First Time Renewal Bundle

Chiropractic Physician Assistants licensed within the biennium and renewing a license for the first time are required to complete two (2) hours of medical errors and three (3) hours of HIV/AIDS

Individual Courses