
Hours Required: 150 hours (per 3 year renewal cycle)
Online Hours Accepted: 150 hours per renewal cycle
Renewal Period: Triennial, expiration date on license

60 hours in “formal,” 90 hours in “informal”

Bundles (DC's)

First Time Renewal Bundle

6 hours – Record Keeping/Documentation and Coding 2 hours – Ethics and Boundaries 2 hours – Medical Errors 3 hours – Understanding HIV/AIDS

40 Hour Bundle

8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding

40 Hour Bundle (Including Acupuncture)

8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding

Bundles (CCPA's)

First Time Renewal Bundle

Chiropractic Physician Assistants licensed within the biennium and renewing a license for the first time are required to complete two (2) hours of medical errors and three (3) hours of HIV/AIDS

Individual Courses

There are no courses available for this state.