First Time Renewal Bundle
6 hours – Record Keeping/Documentation and Coding 2 hours – Ethics and Boundaries 2 hours – Medical Errors 3 hours – Understanding HIV/AIDS
Hours Required: 30 hours (per 2 year renewal cycle)
Online Hours Accepted: 15 hours per renewal cycle
Renewal Period:
One (1) hour in sexual boundaries, 1 hour in ethics, and 1 hour in pain and symptom management; 2 live, in-person hours in physical measures and 2 live, in-person hours in performance and ordering of tests –(i) One continuing education hour on sexual boundaries.
(ii) One continuing education hour on ethics.
(iii) One continuing education hour on pain and symptom management.
(iv) Two continuing education hours on physical measures under MCL
333.16431(3). The continuing education hours required on physical measures shall be completed by attending a live, in-person program.
(v) Two continuing education hours on the performance and ordering of tests under MCL 333.16431(3). The continuing education hours required on the performance and ordering of tests shall be completed by attending a live, in-person program.
(b) Of the required hours of continuing education, not more than 15 continuing education hours may be in board-approved distance learning programs. For the purposes of this subrule, distance learning means any of the following:
(i) Approved continuing education courses, programs, or activities where the instructor and participant are apart and not able to immediately interact. Instruction takes place through media including, but not limited to, journal articles, manuals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, research projects, and Internet courses.
(ii) Approved continuing education courses where the instructor and participant are apart but are able to immediately interact and participant attendance is verified by the provider. This type of distance learning includes, but is not limited to, instruction presented through tele-seminars and webinars.
(c) The board shall not approve for continuing education credit a distance learning program in which a participant performs a chiropractic manipulation or
adjustment on another individual as part of the program.
6 hours – Record Keeping/Documentation and Coding 2 hours – Ethics and Boundaries 2 hours – Medical Errors 3 hours – Understanding HIV/AIDS
8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding
8 hours – Whiplash and Advanced Personal Injury 8 hours – Medicare in Chiropractic 8 hours – Performing Impairment Ratings in Personal Injury 6 Hours – Recordkeeping, Documentation and Coding
Chiropractic Physician Assistants licensed within the biennium and renewing a license for the first time are required to complete two (2) hours of medical errors and three (3) hours of HIV/AIDS
This course includes the required hours for Certified Chiropractic Physician Assistants (CCPA). Includes the 2 required hours for Medical Errors and 22 general hours.
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