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16-Hour Live Webinar: Coding, Compliance & Documentation in Chiropractic

November 11-12, 2017
Saturday: 10:00am – 6:00pm (Central Time)
Sunday: 10:00am – 6:00pm (Central Time)


This seminar is a LIVE webinar broadcast. Live webinar broadcasts count are accepted in many states for CE credit just as if you had attended a live seminar in person. Please check with your state boards or contact Dr. Schmidt at johnschmidtdc@gmail.com

LINK: After you register for the event, you will be sent a link to sign up for the meeting.

NOTES: All notes will be sent electronically a day before the webinar. You can download the notes to a tablet, computer or phone. It is advised that you download the notes to a tablet and watch the webinar on a computer.

CE APPROVAL: This seminar has been approved for 16 hours of CE credit by the TBCE, including the 4 required hours and the 8 hours in Medicare training.This seminar is also accepted for 16 hours of CE credit in Colorado, Oregon and Washington state.

CO-SPONSOR: This seminar is co-sponsored by the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA). All questions regarding CE letters should be directed to the TCA at ce@chirotexas.com or (512) 477-9292.

Doctor Admission

Enter a Quantity from 1 to 5
Admission Price: $397.00
Attending Doctors(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Please list all state abbreviations in which you are actively licensed, separated by a comma (e.g. TX, FL, MT)
For each state listed, please enter your license number, separated by a comma

Primary Doctor Contact Information



Contact Information

Billing Address(Required)
License Information(Required)
Please list all states and your license number for each state in which you are actively licensed. List one state per line.
Licensed State
License Number
