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16 Hour LIVE Webinar – Coding, Compliance & Documentation in Personal Injury

AUGUST 18-19, 2018
Saturday: 10:00am – 6:00pm (Central Time)
Sunday: 10:00am – 6:00pm (Central Time)


This seminar is a LIVE webinar broadcast. Live webinar broadcasts are accepted in many states for CE credit just as if you had attended a live seminar in person. However, some states consider live webinars to be classified as online or distant learning.  Be sure to check with individual state boards or contact Dr. Schmidt at johnschmidtdc@gmail.com

WEBINAR LINK: After you register for the event, you will be sent a link from GoToWebinar to sign up for the webinar.  You will also receive a link the day before and an hour before the webinar broadcast.

HOW TO VIEW: It is strongly recommended that you view the webinar from a computer that has a direct connection to the internet using either the Chrome or Firefox browser.  There are no guarantees that a tablet or phone will broadcast the webinar.

SEMINAR NOTES: All notes will be available electronically as an attachment the day the webinar. You can download the notes to a computer.

CE APPROVAL: This seminar has been submitted for 16 hours of CE credit by the TBCE, including the 4 required TBCE hours. This seminar is accepted for up to 16 hours of CE credit in Ohio, Colorado, Oregon and Washington state.

CE LETTERS OF ATTENDANCE:  Letters of attendance for Texas doctors will be sent directly from the co-sponsor within 30 days.  All other letters will be mailed by our office within 30 days of attendance.

HOW MANY HOURS CAN I ATTEND: You can take 4, 8 or 16 hours. To take less than the full seminar, enter one of the following promo codes:

8 HOURS: Eight

CO-SPONSOR: The seminar is co-sponsored by the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA). All questions regarding TEXAS CE letters should be directed to the TCA at ce@chirotexas.com or (512) 477-9292.

Doctor Admission

Enter a Quantity from 1 to 5
Admission Price: $397.00
Attending Doctors(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Please list all state abbreviations in which you are actively licensed, separated by a comma (e.g. TX, FL, MT)
For each state listed, please enter your license number, separated by a comma

Primary Doctor Contact Information



Doctor Admission

Enter a Quantity from 1 to 5
Admission Price: $397.00
Attending Doctors(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Please list all state abbreviations in which you are actively licensed, separated by a comma (e.g. TX, FL, MT)
For each state listed, please enter your license number, separated by a comma

Primary Doctor Contact Information

