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Medicare Webinar #3

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MARCH 16, 2017

We will cover the following topics:

Lesson 5

Documenting Subsequent Visits
Documenting Treatment Rendered
Recording ROM Each Visit
Signature Requirements For Medicare
Billing For Covered Services
Modifiers Used For Medicare Billing
Administering The ABN At The Required Time
How Long The ABN Is Valid
Why The ABN Is Not Completed Each Visit
How To Get The ABN Completed When Patients Stop Treatment

Lesson 6

Functional Outcome Assessments
Pain Assessments
Range of Motion
G Codes To Bill For Functional Outcome Assessments
Billing To Demonstrate Participation In PQRS
Outcome Measures For Railroad Medicare

Doctor Admission

Enter a Quantity from 1 to 5
Admission Price: $397.00
Attending Doctors(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Please list all state abbreviations in which you are actively licensed, separated by a comma (e.g. TX, FL, MT)
For each state listed, please enter your license number, separated by a comma

Primary Doctor Contact Information

