This course explores the relationship between ethics and boundaries, examining their significance in various healthcare scenarios. From patient-provider interactions to inter-professional collaborations, you will gain insights into how ethical decision-making and maintaining boundaries impact the quality of care, patient trust, and professional relationships.
- The Foundations of Healthcare Ethics
- Importance of Ethics in Healthcare
- Respect for Autonomy and Informed Consent
- Beneficence and the Well-being of Patients
- Non-Maleficence and the Principle of “Do No Harm”
- Justice and Equitable Distribution of Resources
- Confidentiality and Privacy in Patient Care
- Impact of Boundary Violations on Patient Care
- Professional Boundaries: Types and Significance
- Dual Relationships and Vulnerable Patients
- Transference and Counter transference
- Strategies for Effective Boundary Management
- Ethics in the Age of Technology and Social Media
CE Provider Name: Provider Compliance Solutions, Inc. dba DC Seminars
CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-38656
CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-38656
Sample Lesson